
Sandford Springs Golf Club

Sandford Springs Golf Club

Sandford Springs Golf Club - Kingsclere - Hampshire
RG26 5RT
01635 296800


Create a Membership Login

To create your Membership LogIn, click Login on the top menu bar

Click the link to Create or change your pin number

Enter your Membership Number (see the back of your bar card), your date of birth and post code and click the Create Pin Number button.

Choose a 4 digit number that is private to you ... and you are done!

Log In

Enter your Membership Number and the Pin Number you created when you registered

Log Out

When you have finished you should always log out (see top menu bar) to prevent unauthorised access to membership information

Changing Your Password

You can change your password at any time by following the link to Create or change your pin number on the Log In form.

Having Problems?

If you are having problems creating your pin number it may be because you have recently had a new bar card or you may be flagged as an 'inactive' member. Please email Sarah at and the office will let you know what to do.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.